February 2, 2010

Why I Love The Insanity Work Out DVD Program

work out DVD, work out programs, work out
So, why do I like the Insanity work out DVD so much? Why do I say that there is no other exercise program like this one?

What I love about this cardio exercise is that I don't have to use any equipment at all. None. Nada. Zilch! Just my cross-training shoes to work out in and me, myself, and I.

No dumb bells, no pull-up bars, no resistance bands, no bench press, nothing!

I can show up to my TV with my gym work out clothes on and a water bottle eagerly waiting at my coffee table for me, and I am good to do Insanity.

But, I didn't know if this was a good thing at first. I never found that jogging as a cardio exercise lost any weight for me. So, I did have some natural doubts about doing nothing but cardio in one room to achieve any results.

Either way, I popped in the first work out DVD: Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Also known as "jump training", where you jump and jump and jump and do more cardio before you jump some more.

For the first fifteen minutes, I was doing something I couldn't believe was just the "warm-up". I thought I was doing the heart of the cardio program already.

This is exactly how I felt for the first three weeks. There hadn't been a day where I found myself on the floor, crawling for my water bottle.

That is, until the warm-up was finally over. Then, we were able to stop and take a break. A stretch, it was called. They were pretty much yoga poses to help stretch. Along with deep breathing.

Whenever I took my own breaks, I always felt as though I couldn't keep up with the guys and girls in the work out DVD. But, neither could they! Throughout the hour, there are at least 2 people needing to stop and take a break. And, visibly seeing that made me feel very humble. These were normal people just like me who needed to give their muscles and lungs a break. Because the cardio drills were that hard, and we were that crazy to push ourselves that hard.

At the end of each cardio exercise, I would take a rewarding hot shower. And before (and after) each shower, I would see the same thing in the mirror. A deep shade all over my face and neck.

It was something I had never seen before. Never with any of the other work out DVD programs, and never with any other type of cardio exercise. This Insanity exercise was rightfully called Insanity. And it was rightfully the best program I have ever taken on.

Every time I have showed up to the work out, and popped in the next DVD, I have been challenged from beginning until end. I have broken the biggest sweat I ever have, and turned the deepest red I ever have turned. It has taken me to the depths of my fitness.

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